Weeks 1 and 2 - Food and where it comes from - The Eatwell Guide
For children to begin to understand in an age appropriate way what food is and where it comes from. The activities we have planned will help children recognise different foods and where they fit on the Eatwell Guide.
We will also be exploring the foods that we should eat plenty of regularly and the foods we should eat a little of not so often. This will help maintain a balanced diet.
Weeks 3 and 4 - Food and where it comes from - Portion Sizes
For children to continue to recognise food and understand which food groups it comes from. To understand that there are some things we should eat lots of regularly and some foods we should eat little and often.
Weeks 4 and 5 - Food and where it comes from - Labelling
For children to play with the idea of red/amber/green as indicators of foods we should eat a lot of often; foods we should eat some of the time and food we should eat a little of not very often.