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Newsletters: Inner_about



Welcome back and we hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year. We would also like to thank you again for supporting our Christmas Bingo in December. It was a superb event and the money raised will help fund new equipment and toys.

This term we will be focussing on winter and the changes to nature that the cold weather brings. We will be discussing what birds eat during the winter months and how the children can help feed them by making bird biscuits. We will also be exploring the textures of winter vegetables, sorting them according to size and shape and using them to make vegetable prints. Ice and snow will also be explored with the children putting objects in water to freeze, making snowy pictures and discussing the need to be careful when out in icy weather.


COLD WINTER WEATHER – If bad weather is forecast, please check our Facebook page regularly for any snow/opening updates.

As we spend a lot of our time playing and exploring outdoors can you ensure that your child comes suitably dressed with a fleece/jumper, hat, gloves and a coat.  All belongings must be clearly named to avoid confusion and unnecessary upset when children have the same.


LUNCH CLUB - As part of our Healthy Early Years program please can we ask that all children bring a nutritious packed lunch – no chocolate bars, nut products, full bags of crisps or large yogurt style drinks.


Please can you ensure that your child’s lunch box is clearly named on the outside and does not contain drink bottles as milk and water is provided.


DROP OFF AND HOME TIME – Can you please ensure that your child/children are dropped off and picked up on time by a suitable adult over the age of 16. If someone new is picking up, please can you inform a member of staff.


BAG TAGS – If your child hasn’t got or has lost their bag tag please can you let Kay know.

FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DONATIONS - Thank you for all your donations last year. We are continuing to accept any fruit and vegetables that you are able to donate. This is a very valuable scheme and is also very much enjoyed by all the children.


TOYS FROM HOME - Please can you encourage your children not to bring toys in from home. Expensive toys can easily be broken or lost during the session causing unnecessary upset.


SICKNESS /DIARRHOEA - If your child suffers from sickness or diarrhoea they are unable to return to preschool until 48 hours (2 days) after their symptoms have stopped. If your child does come in and they have been unwell we will ask you to take them home. This is to try and stop the spread of infection to other children and staff members and is the guidance given to us by the Health Protection Agency.


OPEN DOOR POLICY – Noah’s Ark Preschool operates an open door policy, if you would like to speak to a member of staff about your child, please do not hesitate to ask.


END OF TERM 3 – Friday 14th February                TERM 4 STARTS – Monday 24th February

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